Let's Talk Some Sh*t

I mean your poop, of course!

I know- poop talk? But yes, poop talk.

Our digestion- and therefore our poop- is a powerful indicator of our health.

Did you know we have an entire separate nervous system in our gut called the Enteric Nervous System?

That "gut feeling" is there for a reason, and it's not silly at all to listen to it. But today I want to talk about how to make the most of your digestion- the recipe for better poops, and a recipe for better pooping.

Did you know? The average adult poops 1-3x/ day.

Additionally, constipation is very common. Up to 16% of American adults have chronic constipation, and the percentage of chronically constipated American adults goes up to 33% after the age of 60.

If you're having more days of constipation, or those "average-poops-per-day" numbers seem alarmingly high to you, this might really help!

Our gut bacteria love fiber. That's one of the many reasons why eating fruits and vegetables is so important. As the average adult, here are some things you can do to get some high-quality poops:

  • Aim to get 25-35g of fiber per day, mostly from food (saving supplements as a backup).

  • Chew your food well. It should be mush-city before you swallow each bite.

  • Eat slowly. Chewing well will help!

If you're someone who has an absorption disease like Crohn's or Colitis, or even Celiac, this can become problematic as some high-fiber foods can actually make symptoms worse.

It's important to speak with your nutritionist to find ways to keep gut flora healthy without giving you flare-ups if you have one of these conditions. Don't give up on your little intestinal buddies! Gut flora health is still vital to people with these conditions.

I understand it might feel helpless at times to find foods that don't exacerbate your symptoms- this is where a registered dietician or nutritionist can be worth their weight in gold, or healthy poops, or both!

Now let's talk about the actual act of pooping. Yes, there is a way to optimize that too.

Clinical studies have shown that elevating the feet into a squat-like position that is adopted by much of the non-western world can improve bowel movement frequency and evacuation.

That means more poops and betterer poops!

I personally have been using the Squatty Potty for years and it's well worth the money. It has two different heights for different members of the household, it's easy to move around, and it really does make for a better pooping experience.

Of course, you can make your own footstool (heh, stool) at home too. I don't have an affiliate link nor am I trying to push this particular poop pedestal, I'm just saying I use this one, I like it, and clinical studies back up its claims.

Hope this made you giggle, made you think, and helped give you some ideas about how to improve yer poops! I've included a link to the squatty potty in case you'd like to see what it looks like.

Happy poopin', Hive.